Recent News: November 29, 2011

November 29, 2011
Publishing her first book!
Sarah’s first book, “B” is now available on Amazon! “B” was written when Sarah was in school, but it gained attention after her performance at the TED Conference in 2011. Thanks to the amazing team at the Domino Project, the poem is now finally available in book-form! The book features beautiful illustrations by Sarah’s life-long friend Sophia Janowitz, who has been Sarah’s consultant on all things arts-and-craftsy since 1988. This book was a joy to make and we hope it will be a joy to read!

December 28, 2011

Throwing a “B’lated B-day” Benefit Show!
Sarah is so excited to be hosting her “B’lated B-day” show at the Bowery Poetry Club in New York City. Tonight’s show is a belated birthday party, a pseudo-book-release, a variety show of awesome talent, and a benefit for the BPC. All proceeds of the night go to the Bowery Poetry Club! Featuring the amazing talents of Jeanann Verlee, Laura Lamb Brown-Lavoie, Arthur Lewis, Andy Suzuki and the Method, and other possible surprise guests! $10 admission. 7pm-9:30pm If you can’t be there in person, you can watch online at and you should consider donating to Bowery Arts & Sciences, which keeps the doors of the BPC open!