March 22, 2012

Performing at Sweetalkers in Melbourne!
Sarah and Phil will be featuring at Sweetalkers! The show is open to the public and is at 7:30pm. Entry is $10. Check out more info here.

Bar Open
317 Brunswick street
Fitzroy, Melbourne

Recent News: March 7, 2012

March 7, 2012
Performing at Miss Porter’s School
What a splendid morning. Sarah performed at an all-school assembly for the 9-12 graders and then sat in on a tenth grade English class with Sarah G. Much love and gratitude for the wonderful ladies at Miss Porter’s and to Toni for helping make it happen!

Macaronics and Cheese: March 3, 2012

Newport Beach, CA.
Mom and her sisters were all Mariner Scouts when they were growing up.
I grew up in NYC, where we didn’t have Mariner Scouts. But thanks to the hand-typed
songbook that Mom and the aunties passed along to me when I was little, I was
thoroughly prepared to join in during today’s reunion sing along.

Recent News: March 1, 2012

March 1, 2012
Delivering a Keynote Address at the Annual NAIS Conference!
Sarah was honored to be a speaker at this year’s Conference for the National Association of Independent Schools alongside Cheryl Crazy Bull and Stephen Carter. It was also exciting to have friendly faces appear in the audience unexpectedly! Including Sarah’s tenth grade math teacher! Much thanks to the organizers who managed getting Sarah in and out of Seattle in 7 hours of time!