April 19, 2012
Performing and speaking at the Blue School’s Trickster Ball in New York, NY!
Sarah is a big fan of the Blue School, and the innovative approach they have to education. She was honored to be a part of tonight’s benefit dinner, speaking alongside her hero Sir Ken Robinson, as well as the lovely Darell Hammond and the talented Tracy Bonham. Truly a wonderful event for a tremendous force for good.
Monthly Archives: April 2012
Recent News: April 17, 2012
April 17, 2012.
Performing at Emerson College with Franny Choi in Boston, MA!
Tonight’s show was all kinds of shenanigans, including: a fire drill, some free sushi, and a lot of sweating. Much thanks to Veronica Del Rosario and the rest of the students in the “ASIA” club for putting together such a fun event, and much thanks to Franny for being as awesome as always.
Macaronics and Cheese: April 14, 2012
Hanover, NH.
This is a photo I took last night of Anis Mojgani. He is one of
my favorite poets and favorite people. I have now shared two
different pancakes with him in my life. Once was when I was 18.
It was in Providence, and it was a raspberry pancake. The second
was this morning. It was in Hanover, and it was a chocolate peanut
butter pancake. In case anyone’s keeping track.
Macaronics and Cheese: April 13, 2012
Recent News: April 13, 2012 Dartmouth
April 13, 2012
Performing at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH!
Sarah has adored Anis Mojgani since she was 16. It has been a sincere honor to be able to call him a friend, and it was a lifelong dream to get to share the stage with him. Tonight, that dream came true, as Phil and Sarah performed for the packed house of One Wheelock. The team was also blown away by Aimee Le, who was a surprise knock out of a poet. Over all, a wholly victorious night.
Recent News: April 13, 2012
April 13, 2012
Performing at Bedford High School!
Stop #2 was Bedford High School. Thank goodness Project V.O.I.C.E. had those sandwiches from the cafeteria, or they might have fainted from exhaustion. Much thanks to the folks at Bedford for the warm reception and enthusiasm, and to Project V.O.I.C.E.’s super roadies (Sarah’s parents!) for shuttling the team from place to place!
Recent News: April 13, 2012
April 13, 2012
Performing at Derryfield School in Derryfield, NH!
Project V.O.I.C.E. started out their one-day New Hampshire marathon tour with a visit to Derryfield school, and their absolutely gorgeous campus. The highlight was definitely getting to chat with students and teachers after the show. Lots of bright folks getting the day off to a great start!
Macaronics and Cheese: April 12, 2012
April 19, 2012
Performing at the Blue School’s Trickster Ball in NYC!
Sarah will join Sir Ken Robinson, PhD, Darell Hammond, and Tracy Bonham in celebrating innovation, provocation, and play for the Blue School’s Spring Fling benefit at 7pm at Bridgewaters. Tickets and more info for the event are available here.
Recent News: April 10, 2012
April 10, 2012
Performing and teaching at Brookline High School in Boston, MA!
Brookline High School is the Alma Mater of one of Sarah’s favorite poets in the universe, Ms. Laura Lamb Brown-Lavoie. It was such a trip to wander the hallways and picture Laura scribbling poems in the margins of her notebooks in between classes. The school itself was full of great students, lovely teachers, and an enthusiastic atmosphere. A delightful morning.