Monthly Archives: May 2012
Macaronics and Cheese: May 28, 2012
Macaronics and Cheese: May 26, 2012
Providence, RI.
This is what family feels like.
(Higher Keys, past and present, singing in the lobby
of Manning Chapel.)
Macaronics and Cheese: May 25, 2012
July 12-15, 2012
Tributaries: B Dance
Macaronics and Cheese: May 19, 2012
Tributaries: Finger Paint
Recent News: May 18-19, 2012
May 18-19,2012
Performing and teaching at Phillips Academy Andover in Andover, MA!
If you didn’t know any better, you might think that Phillips Academy Andover was a college, based on how immense and beautiful the campus is. You might also think that based on how articulate and mature the students are! Project V.O.I.C.E. was delighted to spend two days with Andover students in an evening performance and a morning workshop. Much thanks to the students who went to bat for this!
Recent News: May 17, 2012
May 17, 2012
Being Interviewed by Krista Tippett on “On Being”!
Sarah had the great joy and honor of being on the American Public Radio show “On Being” with Krista Tippett! The show is now online and shows what a lovely time Sarah had speaking with Krista about language, faith, and connection. Listen here.