Recent News: May 4, 2012

May 4, 2012
Performing at the United Nations International School in NYC and hosting their Poetry Slam Finals!
In 2006, when Sarah graduated from UNIS, she was maybe the only kid in the high school that cared about Spoken Word Poetry. Or at least what felt like the only one who was willing to admit it publicly. They didn’t have slams. Sarah had to beg and plead for an open mic… which was subsequently filled with musicians. Needless to say, when she was asked to come host a “UNIS slam” last week, she definitely did not expect much. Instead, she found 15 miraculous young poets who had all written, memorized, and rehearsed their poems. They were articulate, moving, and brave, and Sarah was so proud that they took their own work seriously enough to learn it, and practice it, and believe in their poetry. (Plus: the poems were AWESOME.) Immensely impressed. Immensely proud.

Recent News: May 1, 2012

May 1, 2012
Performing at Lincoln School in Providence, RI!
Project V.O.I.C.E. had a lovely morning with the ladies of Lincoln School, despite the gloomy raincloud over Providence. Congratulations to Beatrice Swift and much thanks to Julia Eels for organizing the event!