October 4-7, 2012

Presenting at the International Baccalaureate Organization Annual Conference of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East in Madrid, Spain!
Sarah will be delivering a keynote address as part of the IBO Regional Conference for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East! For information, look here!

Tributaries: Lily Somerville

Lily Somerville

Lily Somerville sent me this:

“I wrote a song last year called “There’s good here yet.” I wrote it when England was breaking out in riots and I wrote it sometime after I had seen your “If I should have a daughter” on TED. I love your work, it’s beautiful and an inspiration… I thought I’d share with you what you inspired.”

I think singer-songwriters are the cat’s meow. And I think Lily’s voice is beautiful. Click on the graphic to listen to the song!

Macaronics and Cheese: July 25, 2012

Lima, Peru.
When I boarded the flight to go back to the States,
I was pretty deliriously tired. So tired, in fact,
that it took me several double takes to realize that
my assigned seat, 14 E, was nonexistent. There were
only two seats in row 14. The stewardesses seemed perplexed.
They moved me around from seat to seat three or four times
until finding the only empty seat on the plane. Perhaps
someone does not want me to leave Peru.

Macaronics and Cheese: July 24, 2012

Machu Picchu, Peru.
Clockwise from top left:
1. Sunrise at Machu Picchu. We made it!
2. PK wanders through the city.
3. The famous (amazing) staircase under the Sun Temple.
4. The view from above. That large mountain is Huaynapicchu.

5. The intricacy of the stone work by the Incas amazed me.
6. But perhaps my favorite thing was the fact that this one
particular stone was carved so that it was the same shape
as Huaynapicchu, the mountain behind it. When you stand
in alignment, you can see how well the silhouettes match up.

Clockwise from top left:
7. The horror-movie-esque signage for Huaynapicchu.
8. The view of Machu Picchu from the top of the mountain!
9. My careful crawl to the very edge.
10. PK points out the long way back down.

Macaronics and Cheese: July 21, 2012

Salkantay Trail, Peru.

Day two of the trek.
(After what was possibly the coldest night of my entire life.)
11km of hiking, mainly in sharp downhill.
(Which is murder on the toes.)
Upon arrival at our next camp site, PK collapses into nap time.
Nap time eventually evolves into sleeping bag time.