Macaronics and Cheese: July 20, 2012

Salkantay Trail, Peru.

Today my little brother and I started our trek to Machu Picchu.
Both of us grew up in New York City, and neither one of us
has ever gone hiking or camping before. So naturally we
decided that the first camping trip of our lives should be
a four day trek through the highest peaks of Peru.
PK prepares to begin the trek. See that large white thing
in the background? That’s what we’re climbing.
PK hikes much faster than I do. He is almost a speck
on the horizon for most of the day. We made it to the summit! 9km of uphill to make it to
the altitude of 4,600m! Now begins the decline to our campsite.
So close and yet so far. Those tiny yellow spots are our tents.

Macaronics and Cheese: July 12, 2012

Cancun, Mexico.
Sometimes when I am preparing for a speech, I need to have some
alone time to prepare. Sometimes, when I am looking for alone time,
the only empty space is a bathroom. Sometimes when I am the only
person in a room, I explore it. Sometimes when I find a door, I open it.
Even when that door is a closet. And sometimes when I open doors,
I find weird surprises. Like this.

Recent News: July 12-15, 2012

July 12-15,2012
Presenting at the the International Baccalaureate Annual Conference of the Americas in Cancun, Mexico!
It is always an honor to be a part of the International Baccalaureate’s work in education and it was a wonderful conference to be present for. Over 800 educators from all over North, Central, and South America were present to discuss a wide range of topics. Thanks to the organizers for their hard work and gracious hospitality! (Photo from Stephen Codrington)