Monthly Archives: September 2012
Macaronics and Cheese: September 13, 2012
Macaronics and Cheese: September 9, 2012
Belfast, Northern Ireland.
The Peace Wall.
Macaronics and Cheese: September 8, 2012
County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
The Giant’s Causeway is the singularly most magical place I have ever been.
Perfect geometry. Nonsensical symmetry. Utter magic.
Macaronics and Cheese: September 7, 2012
Macaronics and Cheese: September 6, 2012
Dublin, Ireland.
Chillin’ with Oscar and exploring an old-pharmacy-turned-bookstore.
Macaronics and Cheese: September 4, 2012
Stockholm, Sweden.
The top two photos are visions of the Vasa.
The other four photos are from the Sourdough Hotel.
AKA the place I was most excited about visiting while in Stockholm.
Recent News: September 4, 2012
September 4, 2012
Included in Saul Williams’ New Anthology!
Sarah is thrilled that her poem “India Trio” is included in Saul Williams’ new book, alongside some of her best friends and favorite poets: Andrea Gibson, Amber Tamblyn, Beau Sia, Carlos AndrĂ©s Gomez, Erica Fabri, Patricia Smith, Rachel McKibbens, and Tara Betts… along with many others! Click here to find out more information or order a copy!