November 30, 2012

Performing at “WordMill: The way with words: Sarah Kay and the Word Warriors” in Kathmandu, Nepal!
Sarah will be performing with The Word Warriors in a poetic extravaganza! The show starts at 6pm and is open to the public!
at Jatra Cafe, Thamel.
Admission is Rs. 100
For more info see here.

November 28-29, 2012

Teaching workshops in Kathmandu, Nepal!
Sarah will be teaching a two day workshop on “Slam for Creative Expression” on the basics of slam poetry and how to teach it. 2pm-4pm both days. Open to the public, but limited seats!
Apply here.
Application Deadline: Nov. 25, 2012.
Participation Fee: Rs.500 for the entire workshop

Tributes: Coffee Shop Spelling Errors

Coffee Shop Spelling Errors
My friend Brendan sent me this photo of a piece of wall-art he discovered in his favorite coffee shop at home. Specifically: Plum Island Coffee Roasters, in Newburyport, MA. As my (very patient) friends and family know, I’m hyper sensitive to spelling errors, so “shorline” is really the only thing I’m thinking about right now.

Tributes: Fan Fiction 2

Fan Fiction 2
Another Fan Fiction! I think this one is based on the tv show “Castle.” Although I’ve never seen that show either. But it looks like the author of this piece was inspired by lines from “When Love Arrives.” You can find the piece here!

Macaronics and Cheese: November 6, 2012

Nashville, TN.
I don’t normally condone posting food photographs,
but Jeni’s Ice Cream parlour is the truth. If you
need proof, here is Exhibit A: the Reverse Rootbeer
Float. As in: Rootbeer flavored ice cream and vanilla
soda. As in: Holy wow. As in: may have gone back to
this ice cream store three times in three days. Maybe.