Macaronics and Cheese: March 30, 2013

Goa (and then Maharashtra), India
1. Started the day with a visit to the home of a beloved
mentor from my past. She’s no longer on this earth, but
the shadows in her hallway welcomed me in.
2. Made some new friends on the road to Maharashtra.
3. I have a general rule which is: “If it floats, don’t.”
Which is to say: I hate boats. Which is to say: It took
some heavy peer pressure to get me to agree to get on
this dinky thing in order to go see Sindhudurg fortress.
And a whole lot more peer pressure was necessary to get me
back on it after it got shipwrecked on a giant rock 100 yards
off shore. Why do I break my own rules?!
4. Fortunately, visiting Sawantwadi palace required significantly
less anxiety. Even the tiger was fairly moth-ridden.

Tributaries: Mumbai Gift

Mumbai Gift Someone named Vainavi V. sent me this painting that was inspired by my poem “B.” Vainavi came to see our show at the Blue Frog in Mumbai, which was a particularly special one for me. I’m glad I have this painting to connect me to that night. I’m glad the girl in this picture has braids.

Tributaries: Pune

Aditi in PuneTonight Phil and I had a show in Pune, India. It was the first time in history that Pune had hosted a large scale spoken word poetry show, and we had a blast. As an added surprise, someone brought a painting that had been made based off of “B“! The artist’s name is Aditi, but that’s all I know about her!

March 24

Performing at High Spirits in Pune, India!
Phil and Sarah are putting on a big open to the public show Sunday night. High Spirits: North Main Road, next to ABC Farms, Koregaon Park, Pune – 1 Doors Open at 8pm, we go on at 8:30pm. 200/- entry.

March 21, 2013

Performing at blueFROG in Mumbai, India!
Sarah and Phil will be performing a free and open to the public show. Standing room is first come, first serve or call blueFROG Reception at +91 22 6158 6158 to book a table. All ages are welcome! Show starts at 7:45pm, doors open at 7pm – come early to get a spot! blueFROG is located at D/2, Mathuradas Mills Compound, N.M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400 013