Providence, RI.
My favorite memory of my own graduation was the walk
down the hill after passing through the Van Wickle Gates.
Now I get to be an alum that waits at the bottom of
the hill to welcome new graduates. Their faces are
just as full of joy and disbelief as mine was.
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Macaronics and Cheese: May 25, 2013
Macaronics and Cheese: May 23, 2013
Recent News: May 20, 2013
May 20, 2013
Delivering the Commencement Speech for the Grinnell College Graduating Class of 2013 and receiving an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters in Grinnell, IA!
Sarah was so excited and nervous about her address for Grinnell College’s Commencement. After a night of thunder and lightning storms, she expected the morning’s ceremony would be held indoors, but Iowa surprised everyone with a beautiful day. It was a wonderful experience to be a part of. So much gratitude to the graduates for choosing Sarah as their Speaker and only the best of luck in the future!
Recent News: May 16, 2013
May 16, 2013
On “Talk of Iowa” on Iowa Public Radio!
Sarah was interviewed on Iowa Public Radio by Charity Nebbe for her show, “Talk of Iowa.” Charity and Sarah spoke about Sarah’s background with poetry as well as her upcoming commencement address at Grinnell College! You can listen to the full interview here!
Recent News: May 8, 2013
May 8, 2013
Performing and teaching at the Harvey School in Katonah, NY!
The Harvey School is full of fabulous folks. That is what Phil and Sarah learned today after spending time with students from the high school (and a few stowaways from the middle school!) in a workshop. Then Phil and Sarah got to spend time with the English Department Faculty, who were incredibly kind and welcoming. Lastly, Phil and Sarah performed a show for the Harvey Community. A day full of truly extra-lovely people. Much thanks to Alex Lindquist for all of her dedication and commitment to making this visit possible!
Recent News: May 7, 2013
May 7, 2013
Performing at Perkiomen School in Pennsburg, PA!
Visiting Perkiomen School feels like visiting a college campus. The beautiful red brick buildings were buzzing with students zipping in between them. The performance by Phil and Sarah was well received, and the rain storm that arrived just as they finished was well received too. Thanks to everyone!
Recent News: May 6, 2013
May 6, 2013
Performing and teaching at Moravian Academy in Bethlehem, PA!
Both the lower school and the upper school of Moravian Academy have beautiful campuses. And even though Project VOICE had to make such quick visits, Phil and Sarah still definitely felt the love from Moravian students. Much thanks to the folks who facilitated Project VOICE’s crazy schedule and much thanks to the students who made it a treat to visit.
Recent News: May 3, 2013
May 3, 2013
Delivering the opening keynote address at the New Brunswick Teachers Association Annual Conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick!
Sarah was honored to be addressing teachers and educators from all over the New Brunswick area in her speech this morning at New Brunswick High School. She was shown nothing but kindness and encouragement by everyone she spoke with afterwards. Thank you to the organizers of the event and to all the teachers working hard on being the best educators they can be.
Recent News: April 25, 2013
April 25, 2013
Performing and teaching at the Adult School of Montclair in Montclair, NJ!
What a jam-packed afternoon. First Project VOICE led a workshop for a mixture of high school students from all over the area. Then it was time for a workshop with adults. Both workshops were full of curious students at different levels of experience, but everybody participated full-heartedly which was a joy. Then came the performance! Project VOICE put on a great show thanks to the generosity and care of the ASM! Thank you everyone!