Speaking on Iowa Public Radio’s “Talk of Iowa”!
Sarah will be interviewed by IPR’s Charity Nebbe on her show, “Talk of Iowa” at 10:00am CST/11:00am EST. You can listen to the show streaming live by going to http://www.iowapublicradio.org/ and clicking on “MP3″ on the right side of the screen under the box labeled “IPR News” when the time comes. Or if you’re in Iowa, turn on your radio!
Monthly Archives: May 2013
Recent News: March 24, 2013
March 24, 2013
Performing at High Spirits in Pune, India!
Tonight’s performance at the High Spirits club in Pune was the first large scale spoken word poetry show to ever be hosted in Pune! And what a show it was. Phil and Sarah performed an hour-long set on the outdoor stage, surrounded by a variety of wonderful folks. Much thanks to Apphia K. and the High Spirits team for having faith that Project VOICE could put on a great night. And of course much thanks to everyone that came to see the show!
Recent News: March 21, 2013
March 21, 2013
Performing at the Blue Frog in Mumbai, India!
450 people packed into the Blue Frog to watch Sarah and Phil perform on International World Poetry Day! Sarah jokes around sometimes that she spends much of her life trying to find her way “back to India” and it is nights like this that are the reason why. This was one of the singularly most magical performances that Sarah has ever been a part of. So much love and thanks to all of the people who came out to see the show. What an honor it is to do this work.
Recent News: March 21-22, 2013
March 21-22, 2013
Performing and teaching at the American School of Bombay in Mumbai, India!
Phil and Sarah had a great time working with the students of the American School of Bombay. Their second day at ASB was the “Festival of Nations” day which meant that all the students were dressed up in their national dress. For Sarah it felt like a flashback to her younger years at the United Nations International School on “UN Day”! Much thanks to all of the ASB students and faculty who made the visit such a treat.
Recent News: March 20, 2013
March 20, 2013
Leading a storytelling workshop at the Acumen Fund’s Mumbai Office in Mumbai, India!
Sarah has been working with the Acumen for several years now, ever since she first performed at their *Spark event in New York City. When she found out that the Acumen Fund also had an office in Mumbai, she was happy to team up with them for a workshop on storytelling and presentation. Sarah and Phil spent the afternoon with the Acumen Mumbai team, and had a lot of fun with the group. Much thanks to Keya for hosting the workshop.
Recent News: March 18-20, 2013
March 18-20, 2013
Performing and teaching at Oberoi International School in Mumbai, India!
It’s been a jam-packed three day long program at OIS. Phil and Sarah performed for the 6-12 grades as well as the parent community at Oberoi International School. Plus, they got to work hands-on with the eighth and ninth graders on writing and performing. Much thanks to Vladimir Kuskovski and the rest of the Oberoi staff and teachers for welcoming Project VOICE into such a lovely environment.
Recent News: March 12, 2013
March 12, 2013
Speaking at the Habitat for Humanity 2013 Affiliate Conference in Atlanta, GA!
Sarah has been a longtime fan of the important work that Habitat for Humanity has done in communities around the world so it was an honor to be a keynote speaker at this year’s Affiliate Conference. The room was packed with Habitat volunteers, staff members, and community organizers from all over the world and it could not have been a more supportive space. Much thanks to the organizers for inviting Sarah to participate!
Recent News: March 6-9, 2013
March 6-9, 2013
Watching and cheering at the Women of the World Poetry Slam in Minneapolis, MN!
Sarah was so happy to be a witness to the excitement that took place this week at the Women of the World Poetry Slam. Most specifically, it was a joy to see everyone in attendance realize what Sarah has always known: that Laura Brown-Lavoie is raising the bar for poets everywhere. If you don’t know about Laura Brown-Lavoie’s poetry, you need to do your homework. That’s Laura on the left in the photo above. In the center of that photo is Denice Frohman, the winner of this year’s WoWPS. Denice is an incredible force to be reckoned with, straight from NYC by way of Philly. What did Sarah do to deserve to be in the presence of such greatness? Not sure, but judging by that cheesy smile, she sure is grateful.
Recent News: March 5, 2013
March 5, 2013
Performing at Writing Wrongs Poetry Slam in Columbus, OH!
One of the gifts of being able to travel the country is getting to see the local poetry slam scenes. Tonight Sarah got to join the crew at the Writing Wrongs Poetry Slam thanks to the hospitality of Will Evans and the rest of the gang. The space reminded Sarah of her old haunt at the Bowery Poetry Club in NYC, and the poets who took the stage were a breath of fresh air. Even though it was blizzarding outside, inside it was warm, cozy, and poetry-magical. Thanks to everyone who braved the weather to be there.
Recent News: March 4, 2013
March 4, 2013
Performing at Ohio State University in Columbus, OH!
Sarah was thrilled to be performing at Ohio State University on behalf of the Ohio Union Activities Board. The room was enormous, and the OSU students filled it with positive energy. Much thanks to the OUAB for hosting the event. (Photo by Alexandra Chapin)