Recent News: February 21-22, 2013

February 21-22, 2013
Performing and teaching at Saint David’s School in New York City!
This two-day program at Saint David’s School has been such a delight. Phil and Sarah got to perform for the whole school, but worked extensively in workshops with the entire sixth grade. The young men of Saint David’s are immensely smart and insightful. It was a joy to spend two days with them. Much thanks to Headmaster David O’Halloran and Wil Lobko for putting together the program with Project VOICE.

Recent News: February 20, 2013

February 20, 2013
Performing and teaching at Stuyvesant High School in New York City!
Project VOICE paid their annual visit to Stuyvesant High School today, performing for an excited audience of students in the library. You can hear all about the visit in this article featured in Stuyvesant’s student publication, The Spectator! Much thanks to Dr. Moore for organizing and hosting the entire event.

Recent News: February 19, 2013

February 19, 2013
Performing at the Urbana Poetry Slam in New York City!
Even though the Urbana Poetry Slam is no longer being hosted at the Bowery Poetry Club, Sarah still considers this incomparable group of people her family and her home. The space at the DL Lounge might have been new to her, but the event still felt like a homecoming. If you’re ever in NYC and in search of a great night of poetry, go seek out the Urbana Poetry Slam. So much love and gratitude to the entire Urbana team and community for hosting such a wonderful night.

Recent News: February 13, 2013

February 13, 2013
Performing and teaching at Woodburn High School in Woodburn, OR!
Project VOICE spent the day at Woodburn High School meeting with students from the different schools. A day of writing, playing, and a whole lot of fun. Much thanks to the folks at Woodburn for showing the team such a great time.

Recent News: February 11-12, 2013

February 11-12, 2013
Performing and teaching at the Oregon Episcopal School in Portland, OR!
The two-day program at OES enabled Phil and Sarah to meet and work with students from the lower school up to the high school. Plus the duo also had an opportunity to perform for the parent and teachers in an evening show as well. Much thanks to the entire OES community for being so welcoming to Project VOICE!

Recent News: February 10, 2013

February 10, 2013
Performing at Portland Poetry Slam in Portland, OR!
Last year Sarah was overwhelmed with the love and warmth she experienced at the Portland Poetry Slam venue at Backspace. She was especially excited to be able to bring Phil with her this time around! The duo performed to a packed house and were delighted by the local talent they got to witness. Much thanks to the fantastic Portland Poetry Slam family for hosting such a excellent night.

July 18-21, 2013

Leading Teacher Workshops at the International Baccalaureate Organization 2013 Conference of the Americas in New Orleans, LA!
Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye of Project VOICE will be leading teacher workshops on bringing spoken word poetry into the classroom at this year’s IB Regional Conference. For more info, go here.

June 14, 2013

Delivering the Graduation Speech at Hamlin School for Girls in San Francisco, CA!
Sarah and Phil will be addressing the graduating class of 2013 on the occasion of their graduation from Hamlin!