Recent News: July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013
Visiting the Youth Oasis Children’s Shelter in Baton Rouge, LA!
Project VOICE paid a visit to the Youth Oasis Children’s Shelter to spend some time with the kids and staff members there. Everyone the duo met was positive and curious about spoken word poetry. Much thanks for hosting a visit!

Recent News: July 18-21, 2013

July 18-21, 2013
Leading Breakout Sessions at the International Baccalaureate Organization’s Conference of the Americas in New Orleans, LA!
Sarah and Phil lead professional-development-style breakout sessions with over 140 teachers and educators from all over North and South America. It was a lot of fun, and the co-directors of Project VOICE were grateful for the opportunity to work, play, discuss, and brainstorm with so many enthusiastic educators the way that spoken word poetry can be used as an education tool in the classroom. Much thanks to the organizers for facilitating the sessions.

Macaronics and Cheese: July 12, 2013

The archives.
When I was a child, one of my favorite books was Eloise.
At some point in the story, Eloise hangs a “Do not disturb”
sign on her neck when she goes to sleep. Despite my mother’s
attempts to convince me that the final letter in the word
“disturb” was in fact a B, I was adamant that it was a V.
Found this gem today.