Recent News: September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013
Announcing her upcoming book, No Matter the Wreckage!
Today Sarah announced her exciting news: Her first collection of poetry, No Matter the Wreckage will be released March 18, 2014 by Write Bloody Publishing! The book will feature poetry by Sarah Kay, illustrations by Sarah’s longtime collaborator Sophia Janowitz, and cover art by Anis Mojgani. You can already pre-order the book here!

Recent News: September 26, 2013

September 26, 2013
Performing at University North Carolina Wilmington!
Sarah performed for a packed house of 200+ students at UNCW. The audience was incredibly warm and enthusiastic. Much thanks to the ACE student group for hosting the event and to everyone who came out for the show!

Recent News: September 24, 2013

September 24, 2013
Featuring at the Urbana Poetry Slam at the Sidewalk Café in New York City!
Tonight Sarah was the feature at the Urbana Poetry Slam, which is the place she first cut her teeth on spoken word poetry. The venue is new (when Sarah was a kid, Urbana was hosted by the Bowery Poetry Club) but the Sidewalk Café is a cozy spot with a lovely space in the back for performances. Thank you so much to everyone who came out for the show, especially the folks who got turned away at the door. The place was completely packed! Much thanks to the Urbana family for hosting and organizing such a wonderful night.

Recent News: September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013
Featured in Education Week Magazine!
Today Education Week Magazine published an article called “Spoken-Word Poets Bring Words to Life for Students” by Alyssa Morones which focuses on Project VOICE’s work in schools! Morones writes, “Thousands of years ago, the ancient Greeks recited epic poems aloud. Actors have breathed life into Shakespeare’s soliloquies since the 16th century. Now, a pair of poet-educators are working to bring the rich art of spoken-word poetry to students from kindergarten to graduate school.” The article goes on to speak about the work Phil and Sarah have been dedicated to with Project VOICE, and features interviews with teachers and students who have experienced working with Project VOICE in their schools. Thank you for the spotlight, Alyssa Morones! (Photo by Melanie Buford for Education Week)

Recent News: September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013
Performing in Write Bloody Publishing’s “Big Ass New York Poetry Showcase”!
Sarah has been an editor for Write Bloody Publishing for a long time, but now she will soon be an author for the press as well! (More info on that soon!) To celebrate 10 years of Write Bloody books, the press put on a super show jam-packed with amazingly talented artists: Derrick Brown, Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz, Taylor Mali, Jon Sands, Megan Falley, Aaron Samuels, Jeremy Radin, Amber Tamblyn, Brendan Constantine, and Adam Falkner! Plus, the show took place in the newly refurbished Bowery Poetry Club, Sarah’s old stomping grounds. The club is barely recognizable, but the event still felt like home. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the press!

Recent News: September 12-13

September 12-13, 2013
Performing and teaching at Cono Christian School in Walker, IA!
This was Project VOICE’s second visit to Cono, and it was great to see some familiar faces and meet some new folks. Two full days of performances, workshops, and professional development training left the team exhausted but energized. Much thanks to all the friends at Cono for such a special visit.

Recent News: September 9, 2013

September 9, 2013
Given a shout out by Sir Richard Branson!
Today Sir Richard Branson posted a lengthy blog post about his respect for poets! “Poets must be the most underpaid people in the world,” he writes. “The best poets in the world should be as renowned as the biggest pop stars, sportspersons, artists and writers.” He goes on to add, “A case in point is Sarah Kay, an incredible poet who recited a poem at Jean Oelwang’s wedding recently. Every time I see this girl she gives me goosebumps. As well as being absolutely beautiful, her poetry takes your breath away.” Wow! What a vote of support! If you look very carefully at the image above, you might notice that Sarah is visible in the background, with her hand raised to the sky. That photo is from a ridiculous adventure when Sarah was performing for a group of philanthropists, and Sir Richard Branson insisted that she stand up on the dining room table to complete her performance! Click the image to read the entire article. Big thanks to Sir Richard Branson and the Virgin team for the kind words.