November 7-9, 2013

Performing and teaching at Hathaway Brown in Shaker Heights, OH!
Sarah is the keynote speaker at Hathaway Brown’s Young Writers and Artists Festival, and will be leading workshops with students! The event is open to high school students in the area! You can find out more information and register to come see Sarah’s keynote address here. (Sarah’s keynote address on Thursday night is open to the public! Even non-high schoolers. But you do have to register!)

7:00 p.m. in The Ahuja Auditorium at Hathaway Brown School, 19600 North Park Blvd. in Shaker Heights, OH.

Recent News: October 5, 2013

October 5-16, 2013
The Artist in Residency at Serenbe in Palmetto, GA!
Sarah is so excited to be the Artist in Residency at Serenbe. She is on the road so often, she barely ever gets time to generate new work or process what she is experiencing. This time at Serenbe is the perfect opportunity to rest, reflect, research, and write. So much gratitude to the Artist in Residency board for this amazing opportunity and honor.

Recent News: October 4, 2013

October 4, 2013
Performing at the Blue Daisy at Serenbe in Palmetto, GA!
What a great way to kick off the Artist in Residency! Sarah performed to a packed house at the Blue Daisy, full of Serenbe locals and visitors from all over Georgia. (And even a few long-distance visitors from Selma, Alabama!) Much thanks to the Artist in Residency board at Serenbe for helping to organize such a lovely evening.