Recent News: March 19, 2014

March 19, 2014
Performing at Amanda Palmer’s “NinjaTED” show at the Vogue Theater in Vancouver, BC!
Sarah was just one on the long list of performers that came together for Amanda Palmer’s “NinjaTED” show. The by-donation, unofficial TED Conference show was an utterly packed house that raised nearly $10,000 for the Vancouver Food Bank and boasted folks like Neil Gaiman, Imogen Heap, Chris Hadfield, and many more stellar performers! Many thanks to Amanda for the invitation! Check out more here. (Photos are by Will Potter!)

Recent News: March 18, 2014

March 18, 2014
Releasing her new book, No Matter the Wreckage!
Today is the day! Announcing the official release of No Matter the Wreckage! Over ten years of poetry is packed into this baby. Published by Write Bloody Publishing! Illustrated by Sophia Janowitz! Cover art by Anis Mojgani! Edited by Derrick Brown and Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz and Laura Lamb Brown-Lavoie and Jan Kawamura-Kay and Philip McCaffrey! Written by Sarah Kay! Buy your copy now! If you want your own copy, find it here. If you want to help Sarah out: share with others, order one for a friend, write an amazon review, tweet, instagram, facebook, and talk about it out loud with other humans. This book would not exist without a whole lot of folks (you included.) Sarah is standing here today with a book, a smile, and a lot of thanks because of you.

Recent News: March 18, 2014 (2)

March 18, 2014
Performing at TED 2014 in Vancouver, BC!
Sarah is honored to have been invited back for TED’s 30th Anniversary celebration this year. She performed on the “All Stars” stage alongside folks like Sir Ken Robinson, Amanda Palmer, John Maeda, Imogen Heap, Stefan Sagmeister, and many more TED favorites. (Photo by Ryan Lash)

Recent News: March 15, 2014

March 15, 2014
Performing at Joe’s Pub for her Book Release Show!
This might go down as one of the best nights of Sarah’s life. Two packed shows at Joe’s Pub (one at 7pm, and one at 11pm) full of friends, family, and fans. A stage full of guest performers and super-talents, including Phil Kaye, Andy Suzuki and Tebukozza Babumba of “Andy Suzuki & the Method,” Arthur Lewis, and host Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz. Sarah’s new book, No Matter the Wreckage, is a collection of a decade’s worth of poetry. What a glorious night of celebration, poetry, music, and magic. (Photos by Jeffrey Kay!)

Recent News: March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014
Performing and teaching at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal School in Bradenton, FL!
A jam-packed day at Saint Stephen’s school including a performance for the whole high school, a performance for the whole middle school, and a professional development workshop with the faculty. Exhausting, but wonderful. Much thanks to Randy Watts and the other faculty members who helped organize the day!

Recent News: March 10, 2014

March 20, 2014
Performing and teaching with the Jason Taylor Foundation at Nova High School in Davie, FL!
Sarah had a wonderful time working with the BluApple Poetry Network and the Jason Taylor Foundation. Much thanks to the organizers for putting together a show that was live streamed to other high schools in the area, and to Nova for hosting the event and workshops. And of course lots of love to the incredible young poets who participated!

Recent News: March 7, 2014

March 7, 2014
Performing and teaching at the Douglas Anderson Writer’s Festival in Jacksonville, Fl!
What a lovely event. Sarah was absolutely blown away by the talented students she encountered at Douglas Anderson School of the Arts. She also loved getting to spend time with the other featured artists of the festival including longtime friend and hero Patricia Smith! Thanks to all the organizers for putting together the festival!

Recent News: March 6, 2014

March 6, 2014
Performing and teaching at Timber Creek High School in Sicklerville, NJ!
Project VOICE spent the day at Timber Creek High School, performing and teaching workshops with the students and staff of the Black Horse Pike School District! Much thanks to everyone who came and participated!

March 23, 2014

Releasing her new book, No Matter the Wreckage, in Cambridge, MA!
Join Sarah Kay for a night of music and poetry as she officially releases her new collection of poems, No Matter the Wreckage in an open to the public show at the Oberon Theater! For this performance, Sarah will be joined onstage by her amazing friends Laura Lamb Brown-Lavoie, Franny Choi, and Kayla Ringelheim!
You can buy tickets in advance here!
*The $25 ticket price includes a copy of Sarah’s new book, No Matter the Wreckage.

Oberon Theater
2 Arrow St.
Cambridge, MA 02138

March 15, 2014

Releasing her new book, No Matter the Wreckage in NYC!
Sarah Kay is celebrating with TWO Book Release Shows/Parties in NYC at Joe’s Pub. One of them is at 7pm, the other is at 11:30pm. Both shows are open to the public! If you are in high school or have a curfew, buy tickets to the 7pm show (Joe’s Pub is an all ages venue, an this will be a PG-13 show)! If you are older and can stay up late, buy tickets to the 11:30pm! Both shows will feature amazing guest performers such as Arthur Lewis, Andy Suzuki & The Method, Phil Kaye, and Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz! PLUS she will have exclusive advanced copies of the book for sale, since it isn’t technically released until the 18th! These tickets will probably sell out pretty fast, and these are Sarah’s only 2 NYC appearances, so if you know you would like to come, pretty please buy tickets as soon as possible, we don’t want you to miss out!


(*Note about Joe’s Pub: If you buy a seat at a “table” there is a $12 food minimum or 2 drink minimum. You can arrive early (doors open at 6pm for the early show, doors open at 11pm for the late show) so you have time to eat, drink, and relax!)

Joe’s Pub, NYC.
The Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10003
7pm or 11:30pm. Tickets $15
You + Sarah + special guest performers + her whole heart.