October 22, 2014

Performing at Kulturcafé with Sebastian 23 and Phil Kaye in Bochum, Germany!
Sarah will be performing with Phil Kaye and Sebastian 23 at Kulturcafé! The doors open at 7:30pm and the show starts at 8pm. The show is free and open to the public, all ages! Books available for sale!

Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum, Germany

November 8, 2014

Speaking at the Bosch Experience Center for the Serenbe AIR Artists Dialogue Program in Chatahoochee Hills, GA!
Sarah will be Interviewed by Kevin Sipp and will conduct a book signing in a free and open to the public event! Sign up here!

The Bosch Experience Center
Chatahoochee Hills, GA

November 7, 2014

Performing at the Lake Pavillion at the Inn at Serenbe in Chattanoochee Hills, GA!
Sarah is thrilled to be returning as the Artist in Residence at Serenbe. She will be performing at the gorgeous Lake Pavillion in an open to the public show for all ages! Doors Open at 7 pm, Performance at 8 pm, General Seating at Serenbe Lake Pavilion. Farmhouse Bar will be selling drinks cash/credit.

Tickets Here!
$20 General Admission
$15 Student or Veteran (must show student/veteran ID at the door)
All proceeds from this event support the Artists in Residence program to bring more artists like Sarah Kay to Serenbe.

The Lake Pavillion at The Inn at Serenbe
10950 Hutcheson Ferry Rd
Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268
United States

Recent News: October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014
Performing and leading workshops at the Future of Storytelling Conference in NYC!
Sarah and Phil were honored to be featured guests at the Future of Storytelling Conference, alongside amazing thought-leaders and innovators across so many different fields. Click here, or either of the two photos above to watch a video of one of the poems they performed!