April 22, 2017

Hosting the Urban Word NYC Teen Poetry Slam Finals at the Apollo Theater in NYC!
Sarah is so excited to be hosting this amazing event of brilliant youth poets. (She may do a few poems, but mainly she is just hosting.) The night will be an incredible show of talent, you don’t want to miss it. Tickets available now.

Apollo Theater
New York, NY

April 8, 2017

Performing at George Washington University in Washington DC.
Sarah is thrilled to be performing at George Washington at Funger Hall. Tickets will be $5 for outside guests (donation to Network for Victim Recovery of DC), free for all GWU students who provide student ID

Funger Hall
George Washington University
2201 G St. NW

April 6, 2017

Performing with Phil Kaye at the Peace Center in Greenville, SC.
Led by Peace Center Poet-in-Residence Glenis Redmond, Poetic Conversations bring together different guest poets to share their work on a common topic and to start a poetic dialogue with audiences. Tonight’s guests are Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye. The event is FREE and open to the public. More info and tickets here.

101 W Broad St, Greenville, SC 29601

March 31, 2017

Hosting a Fundraiser for Urban Word NYC in New York, NY.
Sarah is delighted to help host a fundraiser for Urban Word NYC, the organization that serves New York City youth by providing writing mentorship, college prep, and performance opportunities to young folks across all five boroughs. (Urban Word NYC was the first poetry slam Sarah ever attended as a teenager!) The fundraiser is suggested donation to attend (though nobody will be turned away, we are told) and Sarah will do a couple poems, and we’ll be treated to a few poems from the urban word youth poets as well. But mainly it will be a Q&A, a lot of photo ops, and a party. Sarah will also raffle off some signed books too! Come support this important organization!

Suggested Donation
5 W. 19th Street 3rd floor
New York, NY

March 29, 2017

Delivering a keynote at University of Tennessee, Knoxville in Knoxville, TN!
Sarah is thrilled to be delivering a keynote as part of Culture Week at University of Tennessee. The event is FREE and open to the public. More info here.

Lindsay Young Auditorium
Hodges Library