Recent News: September 17, 2013

September 17, 2013
Featured in Education Week Magazine!
Today Education Week Magazine published an article called “Spoken-Word Poets Bring Words to Life for Students” by Alyssa Morones which focuses on Project VOICE’s work in schools! Morones writes, “Thousands of years ago, the ancient Greeks recited epic poems aloud. Actors have breathed life into Shakespeare’s soliloquies since the 16th century. Now, a pair of poet-educators are working to bring the rich art of spoken-word poetry to students from kindergarten to graduate school.” The article goes on to speak about the work Phil and Sarah have been dedicated to with Project VOICE, and features interviews with teachers and students who have experienced working with Project VOICE in their schools. Thank you for the spotlight, Alyssa Morones! (Photo by Melanie Buford for Education Week)

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