Recent News: March 1, 2014

March 1, 2014
Performing with Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz at their Double Book Release Celebration in Seattle, WA!
Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz’s recently released, highly celebrated collection, “The Year of No Mistakes” and Sarah’s upcoming “No Matter the Wreckage” have an unusual story: Sarah is the editor of Cristin’s book, and Cristin is the editor of Sarah’s! Tonight’s show was a sneak-peak, one-time-only, pre-release performance of poems from Sarah’s up-coming collection (with an opportunity for folks to purchase exclusive advanced copies of the book!) as well as a chance to hear Cristin perform her gorgeous work. Plus, the whole night was hosted by the incredibly talented spoken word poet Derrick Brown, with surprise guest appearance by Phil Kaye! (Thanks to Cristin for the photo!)

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