Recent News: May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014
Celebrating Franny Choi!
From Project VOICE’s new website:

“Project VOICE is thrilled to officially announce the addition of FRANNY CHOI to the Project VOICE team! Franny Choi is a Pushcart Prize Nominee, has been a three-time Finalist at various National Poetry Slam competitions, and is author of the newly released, “Floating, Brilliant, Gone.” Franny is one of the most sought-after poet teachers in the country. And we’ve snagged her for Project VOICE! We love her electrifying performances, but also her extensive experience mentoring and working with youth through spoken word poetry. Having Franny join Phil Kaye and Sarah Kay means Project VOICE can expand our reach to bring inspiring poets and teachers into even more classrooms and communities worldwide!”

Learn more about Franny and her amazing accomplishments here!

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