November 11, 2015

Performing poems from No Matter the Wreckage for the live audiobook recording in NYC!
Sarah is going to perform TWO shows to record the live tracks for the No Matter the Wreckage Audiobook! If you’ve ever wanted to hear her perform poems from this book live, if you’ve ever wanted to laugh loudly at her bad jokes, if you’ve ever wanted to have that laughter recorded and preserved for all time… COME ON OVER!

The Early Show is at 7pm (Doors open at 6:30) and the Late Show is at 9:30pm (Doors open at 9). Both shows are OPEN TO ALL AGES (but language/content will be NC-17, just FYI, parents.) Please do not bring large bags or backpacks.

Tickets available here!

Also: In honor of Veterans Day, a special ticket price is offered for veterans of the Armed Services.

The Wild Project
195 E 3rd St
New York, NY 10013

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