June 8, 2019

PoetryRx Live!
A special one-night-only event! In The Paris Review’s beloved online column Poetry Rx, readers write in with a specific emotion or problem, and our resident poets—Sarah Kay, Kaveh Akbar, and Claire Schwartz—take turns prescribing the perfect poem to match. On June 8 at 4 P.M., these star poets will take the stage and prescribe some poetry, LIVE at the Bell House. Buy your tickets now and then submit your own question to rxlive@theparisreview.org because there’s a good chance your question will be chosen to be answered live onstage, the night of the event! (All submissions will be anonymous.)

Doors at 3:30 PM
Show at 4pm
The Bell House
149 7th Street
(Between 2nd and 3rd Ave)
Brooklyn, NY 11215

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