Read: Paris Review

Sarah Kay is one of three authors of a weekly poetry/advice column at The Paris Review called “PoetryRx.” Each week, readers write in with a specific emotion and our resident poets (Sarah Kay, Kaveh Akbar, and Claire Schwartz) take turns prescribing poems for their predicament.

November 7, 2024

Stones in the Water: A Night of Poetry with Sarah Kay, Anis Mojgani, Clint Smith, & Hanif Abdurraqib
Sarah Kay, Clint Smith, Anis Mojgani, & Hanif Abdurraqib have performed together annually for the past 8 years! The evening is an opportunity for artists and audience to witness what a rigorous pursuit of care & friendship can do to further our artistic practices.

BAM Fisher, Fishman Space
Tickets on sale Oct 2!

Read: We the Gathered Heat

Sarah Kay’s poem “Ars Poetica 20 Years Later” is featured in We the Gathered Heat, an anthology from Haymarket Books “featuring some of the brightest voices in contemporary poetry who challenge, expand, and illuminate the meaning of the label “Asian American and Pacific Islander” (AAPI) in today’s world,” edited by Franny Choi, Bao Phi, No’u Revilla, and Terisa Siagatonu.

Recent News: New Poetry Book Announcement

March, 2024
Working on a new Collection of Poetry!
Big news! Sarah’s new poetry collection, A Little Daylight Left is underway and forthcoming from The Dial Press! Beloved spoken word poet Sarah Kay brings us her long-awaited second full-length poetry collection, a decade after her acclaimed debut No Matter the Wreckage. In A Little Daylight Left, Kay explores life’s most vulnerable moments of transition with courage, curiosity, joy, and humor. Each poem invites readers to consider what it might look like to boldly face the hard things we so often run from—a heartbreak, an ailing loved one, the fear that comes with new beginnings and uncertain futures. The result is a blueprint for discovering beauty in all that makes us human. With her signature wit and wisdom, Kay shows us how to navigate life bravely, with every single part of ourselves.

Recent News: Pop-Up Magazine 2022

October, 2022
Back on Tour with Pop-Up Magazine!
Sarah is thrilled to be back on tour with a brand new non-fiction piece for Pop-Up Magazine’s “Love” issue, making stops in Oakland, Los Angeles, Portland, Chicago, Seattle, NYC, Atlanta, and Nashville!