Category Archives: Macaronics and Cheese
Macaronics and Cheese: July 14, 2013
Macaronics and Cheese: July 13, 2013
Macaronics and Cheese: July 12, 2013
The archives.
When I was a child, one of my favorite books was Eloise.
At some point in the story, Eloise hangs a “Do not disturb”
sign on her neck when she goes to sleep. Despite my mother’s
attempts to convince me that the final letter in the word
“disturb” was in fact a B, I was adamant that it was a V.
Found this gem today.
Macaronics and Cheese: July 9, 2013
Macaronics and Cheese: July 8, 2013
Lenox, MA.
This is COA‘s element: Civil War reading. Abraham Lincoln
poster. Dachshund book ends. Yellow flowers.