Read: Paris Review

Sarah Kay is one of three authors of a weekly poetry/advice column at The Paris Review called “PoetryRx.” Each week, readers write in with a specific emotion and our resident poets (Sarah Kay, Kaveh Akbar, and Claire Schwartz) take turns prescribing poems for their predicament.

Read: We the Gathered Heat

Sarah Kay’s poem “Ars Poetica 20 Years Later” is featured in We the Gathered Heat, an anthology from Haymarket Books “featuring some of the brightest voices in contemporary poetry who challenge, expand, and illuminate the meaning of the label “Asian American and Pacific Islander” (AAPI) in today’s world,” edited by Franny Choi, Bao Phi, No’u Revilla, and Terisa Siagatonu.

Read: Mrs. NYT

Sarah Kay’s Poem “Mrs.” as published in The New York Times’ Mrs. Files, which looks at history through a contemporary lens to see what the honorific “Mrs.” means to women and their identity.