Recent News: December 21-29, 2014

December 21-29, 2014
Working on Teacher Training & Curriculum Development with the Word Warriors in Kathmandu, Nepal!
Earlier this year, Sarah’s poet friends The Word Warriors applied for and received a grant to create a two-year project called “Write to Speak” which will allow them to introduce spoken word poetry programming to six different regions in rural Nepal. In each area, they lay the groundwork to establish a youth-led artistic collective within the community. The project’s primary purpose is to work with marginalized groups who are traditionally suppressed including members of the LGBTQ community, people with physical disabilities, survivors of abuse, and people recovering from drug addiction. The project provides a medium and space for people, especially women, to speak out and be heard. This week, Sarah returned to Kathmandu to help the Word Warriors plan and facilitate their new project. They worked nonstop for nine days on teacher training and curriculum development and Sarah got to witness these young poets actively changing their world around them because they have fallen in love with an art form and believe in its potential and power. These young poets are fighting a lot of odds and a lot of demons, but it is poetry that is fueling the fire. Something that seems as simple as laying words side by side is helping someone else find what they are looking for. It is helping someone fall in love. It is helping someone heal. It is helping someone dream big enough to make changes in their community. What an honor to work alongside them and see how much they can do!

Recent News: December 15-18, 2014

December 15-18, 2014
Performing and teaching at Hamlin School for Girls in San Francisco, SF!
Phil and Sarah have a long-standing love for Hamlin. It’s always a treat visiting old friends and making new ones. This week they worked with both the upper and lower schools, performing and teaching workshops across all the grade levels! The duo are grateful, as always, to Head of School Wanda Holland-Greene for her help in making this all possible.

Recent News: December 13, 2014 (GoodReads)

December 13, 2014
A Finalist For Goodreads “Best Poetry Book of 2014” User’s Choice Awards!
Wow! Sarah’s first poetry collection, No Matter the Wreckage was nominated alongside books by Maya Angelou, Mary Oliver, Patricia Lockwood and more! Sarah received almost 6,000 votes and came in sixth overall. It means the world to her to have such thoughtful folks who voted for her, and who are along for this wild ride.

Recent News: December 13, 2014

December 13, 2014
Performing with Phil Kaye at the Children’s Creativity Theater in San Francisco, CA!
Every year Phil and Sarah do a big open to the public show in San Francisco, and every year it’s a blast! So much love to all the people who came out to support: longtime friends and fans, and new folks too!

Recent News: December 9, 2014

December 9, 2014
Performing and teaching at Nixon Elementary School in Stanford, CA!
Phil and Sarah spent the day performing and teaching 4th and 5th graders at Nixon Elementary. Much thanks to the Deeters for helping make it possible!

Recent News: December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014
Performing and teaching at Menlo School in Atherton, CA!
Sarah and Phil started off their annual Northern California tour with a great day of performance and workshops with both middle school and high school students at Menlo school!

Recent News: December 2, 2014

December 2, 2014
Performing and Teaching at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN!
Sarah spent her afternoon teaching a workshop full of open-minded and driven writers and activists, and then spent her evening performing to a packed room! She was continually impressed by the Purdue students she met and worked with. Much gratitude to the organizers of each event, and all who participated with full hearts. Read one student’s review of the evening here! (Top photo by Wei-Huan Chen)

Recent News: November 19-22, 2014

November 19-22, 2014
Performing and Teaching at Hathaway Brown School in Shaker Heights, OH!
Sarah loves the Hathaway Brown ladies. This is her second time as a visiting teaching artist, but she was also the graduation speaker for this past year’s graduating class, and the school holds a special place in her heart. As always, she is grateful for the bold, brilliant young women who dedicate themselves fully to their writing and their community, as well as for Scott Parsons, patron saint of Hathaway Brown student writers.