July 17, 2014

Teaching Workshops at Brave New Voices!
Sarah and the rest of the Project VOICE team will be teaching two workshops called “Getting to the Good Stuff: Tips on Creating & Leading Great Poetry Workshops.” Workshops can be the foundation of a thriving poetry community. But what makes an amazing poetry workshop? How do you create a workshop that sticks with you, that gives you tools you can use for years down the road? How do you create trust among a group of people that may not know each other? How do you encourage people to take risks in their work while building a safe environment? This workshop will explore best practices for facilitating poetry workshops – and will give you the tools you need to start designing your own. No experience necessary! (This workshop is only open to youth who are registered through the Brave New Voices festival.) Check out their website to find out how you can register, and come for all the other wonderful events July 16-19.

Temple University Student Union
1755 N. 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA
2pm workshop is in room 217A
3:35 workshop is in room 217B

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