Macaronics and Cheese: April 10, 2013

A busy, wonderful day. My morning began with this question
from a second grader at Stamford American International School.
Then I spent the afternoon at Raffles Girls’ School. There
aren’t any good photos that I can share, (as many of life’s
most important experiences often lack photographic evidence,)
but I think my heart grew a few sizes thanks to those young ladies.
Nighttime was dedicated to our show at Home Club. 300+ people
showed up, many of whom you can see crammed in this photo.
But what you can’t see is the extra hundred people who couldn’t
fit in the club and waited outside the club on the sidewalk,
listening to our show through speakers. We’ve never had such
an overwhelming audience before. Plus, from backstage I stole
a sneaky peek through the curtain and spotted this girl’s t-shirt.
If you can’t make it out, it’s a handmade “I <3 Sarah & Phil Kay" shirt. All in all, an unbeatable day.

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