Machu Picchu, Peru.
Clockwise from top left:
1. Sunrise at Machu Picchu. We made it!
2. PK wanders through the city.
3. The famous (amazing) staircase under the Sun Temple.
4. The view from above. That large mountain is Huaynapicchu.
5. The intricacy of the stone work by the Incas amazed me.
6. But perhaps my favorite thing was the fact that this one
particular stone was carved so that it was the same shape
as Huaynapicchu, the mountain behind it. When you stand
in alignment, you can see how well the silhouettes match up.
Clockwise from top left:
7. The horror-movie-esque signage for Huaynapicchu.
8. The view of Machu Picchu from the top of the mountain!
9. My careful crawl to the very edge.
10. PK points out the long way back down.