Recent News: December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013
Performing and teaching at The Lawrenceville School, in Lawrenceville, NJ!
Sarah and Phil started their day by performing for the entire Lawrenceville School community, in their gorgeous theater. Students and faculty were crammed in, and spilled all the way out into the hallway. The excitement and energy was palpable! Then they lead workshops with students in a cozy student lounge. Phil will be staying to work with more students over the next few days, but Sarah is off and running to California! You can read more about Project VOICE’s visit to Lawrenceville in the school’s student newspaper, thanks to this lovely article by Jason Zhang ’15. Much thanks to the Gebhardt family, and the student and faculty organizers who put this visit together! (Photo by Joon Choe ’15)

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