Recent News: September 16, 2013

September 16, 2013
Performing in Write Bloody Publishing’s “Big Ass New York Poetry Showcase”!
Sarah has been an editor for Write Bloody Publishing for a long time, but now she will soon be an author for the press as well! (More info on that soon!) To celebrate 10 years of Write Bloody books, the press put on a super show jam-packed with amazingly talented artists: Derrick Brown, Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz, Taylor Mali, Jon Sands, Megan Falley, Aaron Samuels, Jeremy Radin, Amber Tamblyn, Brendan Constantine, and Adam Falkner! Plus, the show took place in the newly refurbished Bowery Poetry Club, Sarah’s old stomping grounds. The club is barely recognizable, but the event still felt like home. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the press!

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