Sarah Kay IS/WAS:



a New Yorker. a poetry writer and reader. an educator. the founder and co-director of Project VOICE. a podcast enthusiast. a postcard lover. the author of five books of poetry including B, No Matter the Wreckage, The Type, All Our Wild Wonder, and A Little Daylight Left. a celebrated performer in over 30 countries. an occasional editor for Write Bloody Publishing. a gemini. a mediocre driver at best. a musical theater geek. a smoothie expert. an education advocate and occasional keynote speaker. an alum of the United Nations International School and a graduate of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. an alum of Brown University. an alum of Brown University Graduate School’s Masters Program in the Art of Teaching Secondary English. a recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Grinnell College. (newly public) on instagram here. technically/rarely on facebook here.


a TED speaker. a New Arizona Fellow for New America. a writer in residence at Hedgebrook. a Kundiman fellow. a Serenbe artist in residence. an artist in residence of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. a co-columnist of PoetryRx for The Paris Review online. a co-curator of the Ours Poetica web series. the first-ever feature on PBS News Hour’s Brief But Spectacular series. raised by an unruly group of poets in New York City.

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