“I’m a high school senior, enrolled in an Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition class. This is just slightly relevant. I found your performances a couple months back and have finally found a poetess that I just find truly meaningful and really connected, at least to me (and I’m sure hundreds of others). Our last project in this college level class was to occupy the last few weeks between the AP Exam and the end of the school year. And what our project is, is our free choice to pick a poem that speaks to us and to create an illuminated video to go along with our choice. I ended up choosing “Hands” although “Hand Me Downs” and “B” really gave hands a run for its money in my mind (all such inspiring poems). But hands were something I could draw and had painted all through out the school year in my AP Art class. And seeing as I love deciding on grandiose projects for myself in time allotments which don’t ever seem long enough to complete my grand vision, I thought “Hands” was the best choice for me. It’s not exactly as I imagined it would be but I spent many hours on it and did the best I could for the deadline I had. I would like to add to it but seeing as I am in the final week before I graduate things are just a little busy as I’m sure you might remember of fond graduation countdowns. This was the first time I did a speed paint and because of this project which was inspired by you I have earned some confidence and enjoyment in speed-painting and people’s reactions to my art work. So thank you very much.”
I like everything about this email. For starters, I definitely know a little something about taking on grandiose projects in time allotments which don’t ever seem long enough to complete my grand vision. (See: all of college.) And I certainly remember my high school graduation countdown. My twelfth grade History teacher was so determined not to let us slack off in the final week, he assigned a giant paper on the Civil Rights Movement. I was so frustrated at the assignment, I wrote the entire paper as a rhyming poem. (With parenthetical notes, MLA Standard.) So kudos to Kaylee for finding a way to enjoy her final countdown. And in such a beautiful way! Lastly: “just slightly relevant” is my new favorite phrase. Click the photo to see the video!