Tributes: Peanut Butter to the Gherkin

Peanut Butter to the Gherkin
A friend of mine found this online today:

In English, we heard “love letter from a toothbrush to a bicycle tire”, which is quite sweet and smart. So, because it is Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D., as labelled by the year 13s at my school), I thought I’d share! In English this lesson, we were also required to try to write a piece of our own, which I am posting here, albeit that it is an (unfinished?) piece. (It was inspired by Sarah’s poem, mentioned above, and arguments I used to have with a friend, who remains loyal to peanut butter and gherkin sandwiches to this day (I’m the one who’d say eww 😛 ). It does not in any other way relate to my life.)

Here’s the poem they wrote:

A lot of people think that we’re just weird together.
When we go out to lunch and come across a friend,
They take one look and saw “eww, why are you with him?!?”
Sometimes they whisper in my ear “are those warts on his nose?”
And I always have to explain that you’re not about to be sick,
You’re just olive-toned.

Though you like the briny sea
While I prefer to stay sheltered and dry inside,
Does it matter which jar we’re in, if we both enjoy
The company? (Although, I could do without
The 20-odd siblings who all seem to share your room.)

My mum says that I’m sweet, and what am I doing with such a salty kinda guy?
But I don’t want to wreck her dreams,
So I hold within
Myself the secret grains of salt that I have hidden
Beneath my silky smooth skin.

When we meet, I always hug you;
Slip into your nooks and melt into your crannies
Because when we’re together,
I feel like the other side of me has been put back,
Like I am made complete.
Even if it’s only for half a day,
I know that this bond we share is real:
Sticky and joining us together,
Leaving small reminders, even as we part.

What a perfect “Tributary” for Valentine’s Day. You can read the original here.

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