B for Boy
Samantha W. sent me this photo with the following note:
“Your poem “Point B” is so significant to me and my relationship with my birth baby, even though he was adopted out, I consider myself his point b because we are close and he knows how much I love him. Thank you for writing this poem, it helps so much. I am getting “Point B” followed by his birthday tattooed on me, and I wanted you to know that because you should always credit yourself for doing things like this for people like me. Thank you.”
I cropped out the birth date for privacy’s sake, but I wanted to post this photo because this is the first tattoo someone’s ever gotten of a line from one of my poems. (That I know of.) I also like this email because some people ask about the poem “B”: What will happen if you have a son? I’m glad the poem is still relevant for folks who don’t have daughters.